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  • Brent Osborn-Smith

How To Avoid Being Injured By Your Bird This Christmas

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

Feasting on gloriously large-breasted turkeys at Christmas is an unbeatable celebratory pleasure, but can also put one at severe risk of back injury. Lifting heavy birds in and out of the oven needs careful consideration. Turkey Injury can seriously compromise your festive season!

Lifting from a low position places strain on the lumbar spine, so here are a few tips on how to be compassionate with your back while, at the same time, enjoying a pain-free Christmas:

When inserting one’s bird into the oven, place one foot diagonally in front of the other and always be sure to keep the back straight, chest forward and to bend at the hips - not the lower back. There is a common misconception that bending the knees alone will ensure a safe lift, but this technique by itself still allows the back to curve, thereby risking injury.

Instead it is vitally important to keep looking horizontally ahead at all times. With a straight back, the muscles of the legs and hips will themselves produce the power needed to lift correctly. In this way, the muscles of the back will be less exposed and instead be used for maintaining a good overall posture, as they are designed to do.

Twisting is another dangerous mistake that can easily lead to Turkey Injury. When changing direction, always lead from the hips ensuring that the shoulders move in unison; this will prevent any uninvited hazardous jerks that might bring any aspiring or over-enthusiastic chef to grief.

Also, do try to keep the weight of your bird close to the body. The further an object is held from one's centre of gravity, the more force will be required to hold it up. That extra force will also spiral through the lower back, exposing one to the dangers of untold inappropriate protective spasms and thereby ruining the cheerful disposition of any happy Christmas diner.

We hope you have a Happy Healthy Christmas!

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